



5 30

hbd lulu, masih sempet kan ya.

edisi cobain brush baru. hasilnya bolehlah ya.

9 64


King of Grunge. Inspired generations of Rexes to be themselves. Legend that will forever be in our hearts.

Rex Passes give you two free mints to The Dinoverse collection.


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I don't know how long it will take me but starting now, I will be doing one drawing for every track on album! First we have Blew!

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continuing cobain gender thread, can't believe i forgot the in utero cover

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Isinya cowok2 ganteng... cobain, ga nyesel aslik

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and here’s a portrait of Kurt Cobain I did a couple of years back (yeah I know it’s more In Utero than Nevermind)

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It was brought to my attention that seal cobain has had an eyepatch this whole time …

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Moak is back for Tangent City v4 to celebrate our 250th episode!

- Kurt Cobain on IG
- Metallica’s secret show
- Paul & Ann Wilson
- MUYP Party
- Paul’s dreads
- Mustaine quotes Tommy Boy
- Hetfield solo LP
- 90’s budgets
- producing Metallica
- and more!


1 19

Td ga sengaja liat timelapse org di tiktok trs teknik coloringnya kerennnn bgt, aku cobain walau hasilnya ga bagus2 amat😂 tp seru, tida time consuming wkwkkwkwkw

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Cobain semua aja, cari yang cocok mana.

Tapi paling sering pake ini

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Cobain quick painting hewan, masih berantakan

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