. demands PM that Norway, one of the richest countries on earth, stops profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of children. Illustration by for

4 6

A strong message ☝️for . Amnesty Norge has overlooked the fact that Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children via 's unethical investments

1 1

🚅Détective Conan : The Scarlet Bullet a fait 18 965 Entrées sur 2 semaines d'exploitation, pourra-t-on dépassé les 20 000 entrées pour la 3ème semaines?🔥

43 176

*looks back to the 400 years of slavery, systematic oppression, and exploitation of minorities* yeah uhm. No thanks

0 11

Le néglige : 1. La Suisse a > 4 millions d'enfants travaillant dans sa chaîne d'approvisionnement de café, thé et cacao. 2. La Norvège profite de l'exploitation de dizaines de millions d'enfants via les investissements du . cc

3 4

Ça part en vrille aux éditions Soleil!
Surtout le malaisant "Swan & Néo" : en faire des personnages de bd pour surfer sur leur "image de marque" en dépits de toutes les polémiques et questionnements qu'entraîne "leur" chaîne Youtube sur l'exploitation et le travail des enfants😨

0 3

Dear State Secretaries , Will announce on that Norway & will stop profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor & defenseless children?

5 6

is a shareholder >8,800 corporations, it has > US$1,3 trillion in AUM. Norwegians profit from the exploitation by corporations of tens of millions of poor and defenseless children via 's investments in corporations that exploit children to reduce costs.

4 6

a land built on egotism, excess and exploitation. the WORLD is whatever its owners want it to be, but regardless of who owns it, the lands deemed worthy of becoming the new WORLD are razed to the ground in the arsenaults’ pursuit for more. when they become useless (cont.)

1 4

Amazon can't hide their worker exploitation behind $15

103 305

. demands PM that Norway stops profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children via 's investments in 100s of corporations with child labor business models.

2 4

Even though their relationship was seemingly benign, Gaby has never fully forgiven Charles for what she has feared was her exploitation.

As Charles explores David's psyche, his bristles at the absence of himself in the boy's memories, growing furious with Gaby and insisting...

0 0

The next episodes that I'm gonna watching begin on 2nd June PST being first segment episode in this month of June and some exploitation for about. See you there... ❤️💙💛

0 1

Dear , June 12th is World Day Against Child Labor, 2021 Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor: Is it likely that announce that Norway has decided to stop protifing from the exploitation of tens of millions of children?

5 7

Happy to finally share this piece I made with a lot of love for . It’s for José Orduña’s moving essay on the daily violence, exploitation, and abductions—namely the disappearance of young girls—experienced by the people of Juarez, Mexico. Big thanks AD

0 15

Tous ces gens qui ne font strictement rien pour les TDS contre l'exploitation, les violences, la précarité, mais qui dès qu'une ose dire qu'elle aime son job, se défoulent en l'accusant de tout ce qui ne va pas dans l'industrie du sexe et dont elle n'est en rien responsable...

38 145

I wrote to PM demanding that Norway stops profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor & defenseless children via 's investments in 100s of corporations with child labor intensive business models. cc

5 11

Fernando Morales-de la Cruz- asked PM to announce on World Day Against -June 12- that Norway/ will stop profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children. Illustration cc

13 22

Bram Stoker's Gothic horror novel 'Dracula' was published in 1897.
H.P.Lovecraft in 'Supernatural Horror in Literature' (1927): 'Best of all is the famous Dracula, which has become almost the standard modern exploitation of the frightful vampire myth'

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