. demands PM that Norway, one of the richest countries on earth, stops profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of children. Illustration by for

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invites cartoonist to denounce the horrors of child labor in supply chains of corporations. June 12 is In 2021 Intl. Year for the Elimination of Child Labor it increased! Corporations don't plan to eliminate it -it's highly profitable!

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The illustration: Think Different by for shows the reality at . refuses to take serious action to stop exploitation, even of defenseless children, because it helps increase profits margins. It must STOP!

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Estimado , Te agradeceré nos permitas incluir tu caricatura en la campaña de y en , la protesta de caricaturistas en el muro de Berlin en contra del trabajo infantil y la esclavitud. Un abrazo,

8 29

"Charlie and the Child Labor Factory"

November 20th is Intl Day of the Child/#WorldChildrensDay. 2021 is Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor.

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The cruel chocolate industry has increased child labor in cocoa production! asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. Cartoon by

11 26

Debido a que la industria del chocolate ha incrementado el trabajo infantil, pidió a caricaturistas denunciar el lado horrible de las empresas de chocolate. creado por de México

5 12

. etc. informaron aumento del trabajo infantil en la producción de cacao. pidió a caricaturistas afilar sus lápices para defender a los pobres niños q trabajan para la cruel industria del cacao. Gracias

6 12

. etc reported child labor in cocoa increased. asked cartoonists to sharpen their pencils to defend the poor children working for the cruel cocoa industry. Our gratitude to

23 45

Es un honor para dar la más cordial bienvenida a de Colombia a nuestra campaña global José tiene 14 años y ya es una fuente de inspiración

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Erradicar la pobreza y el trabajo infantil, brindando educación a niñas y niños, que trabajan en café, té y cacao requiere solo US$0.10 por taza. Ilustración Fo, Guatemala.

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calls cartoonists from all continents to help protect the rights of defenseless children being exploited. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work. Illustration for cc

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calls cartoonists & illustrators from all continents to help protect the rights of defenseless children being exploited. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work. Illustration for

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(moda rápida) no solo es mala para el medio ambiente, explota a decenas de millones de mujeres pobres y millones de niños indefensos. Caricatura por para

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is not only bad for the environment, it exploits tens of millions of poor women & millions of defenseless children. Cartoon by for

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Dear , can't claim it believes that while it exploits African children & farmers to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa. Ilustration cc

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