i posted the wrong version so im uh. reposting.

'oops.png' is what i named this

8 16

wow guys look who finally came home--

HAHA i wanted to try something new and... this was both fun and tedious work LOL

(big thanks to for the quote OTL this is basically a gift to him now heh)

37 76

Did this for the Together We Ride Zine, volume 3! Thank you for inviting me!

182 431

I know it’s no longer the first in some time zones, but hey, happy new year yo

99 219

last drawing of the year! modern au ram kids selfie!!

42 56

お題くれたやつ今年中に何とか描きおわた。 エコーズ集合絵完成は依然未定です、はい。#FEechoes

0 1

i told myself i wasnt going to post this but whatever lmao - coloured my doodle in with flats and i decided to go all out with shading LOL

7 15

1:24am is a bad time to post art but its OK - anyways, have a look at my bizarre rareship of randal&lukas TY

11 15

Improved these drawings and painted them! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

27 79

Okay I think I finally got it... something something someone liked my Grays so I did a DJ Khaled and did anotha one.

163 324

have i ever posted this. have i. if i did, here it is AGAIN

8 18

Guess who ruined my pity rate when I was looking for Siggy? :3

169 390

45.FEechoes デューテたゃん 自分の強さに対する彼女の考え方がめちゃくちゃ好きです あとボクっ娘設定ありがとう 可愛い

14 45