The Greek god Hephaestus was born deformed & ugly, so his mother Hera flung him off Mount Olympus. Being the god of metalworking, masonry, & other crafts, Hephaestus takes revenge by building Hera a gold throne that traps her when she sits on it.

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Kothar-wa-Khasis is a Ugaritic god of many talents: smith, craftsman, architect, inventor, soothsayer, & magician. He builds a palace for the god Ba'al out of cedar wood, silver, gold, & lapis lazuli, & makes gold & silver furniture for the goddess Athirat.

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In Finland the northern lights are known as 'fox fires'. This is because it is believed that the beautiful flashing colours are created by foxes dashing through the night sky and causing sparks to fly from their bushy tails.

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In kawauso are river otters that develop supernatural powers as they reach advanced age and become They are renowned shape-shifters and can accurately mimic sounds in order to play tricks on humans. They also enjoy extinguishing...


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In English folklore passing by a marsh on a misty evening means risking an encounter with Jenny Greenteeth, a sharp-toothed crone-like creature who pulls unwary wanderers into the depths and devours them.

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The Welsh Arthurian knight Owain had a special bond with wild animals. His most loyal companion was a lion he had saved from a giant serpent, and he also commanded 300 magical ravens. This kinship may be due to his mother being the fairy goddess Modron.

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