Here's an impossible sighting of Adeline, she doesn't care about gravity...

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I doodled this last night during a D&D game. Behold, my -2 intelligence character Moana teaching her -1 intelligence teammate Adelaide that water is affected by gravity.

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(gonna make it full drawing tomorrow.)

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They drive 40 miles an hour down my residential street and wonder why kids and pets get run over. Zero stop signs. They shoot their guns in the air from November to January 2 without any care for gravity. And how homeless people have targets on their backs.

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Adult make minute for gr. school Sample BEN'S BIKE: in potential/kinetic friction MAGNIFICENT MAGNIFIERS info at click NewsUpdate

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Adult make 1-minute for grade school Sample BEN'S BIKE: in potential/kinetic friction MAGNIFICENT MAGNIFIERS of info: click

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“Cats gravitate to kitchens like rocks gravitate to gravity.” - Terry Pratchett

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breast tissue is not all fat but there is a protective layer of fat so it is important to understand how fat works, how it is effected by gravity. a lot of how a large breast is shaped is really just gravity. that’s why a boob job can give you near perfect orb titties.

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The Geller's False Monkey is an example of convergent evolution on Gliese 581c. Actually an arboreal amphibian-like creature, it has evolved with features similar to terrestrial monkeys.

They tend to be very small and lightweight to account for the planet's high gravity.

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Exo One
(in action)

"A single-player, exoplanetary exploration game where you pilot an alien craft capable of manipulating gravity."


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The geographical orientation of these gun rooms in relation to the rest of the ship always bothered me as a kid. It never occurred to me that Lucas is playing with the idea that the Falcon uses artificial gravity.

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December project Sham + Nath

"Do you believe in gravity... Sora?"

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Out of all the outrageous and impossible physics in this anime, i am most amazed by this character's balance and core strength. He's not even tilting or extending his arm to adjust his center of gravity.

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They're traveling together, saving saplings from their imminent demise as the world below is breaking apart. An ancient, unusual friendship.
One of my HoD campaign commissions. For Siberia Gravity.

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Yeah, we did several years of Little Gloomy stories for Disney, right alongside our sci-fi companion piece, Kid Gravity. Again with art, and colors - I believe.

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