The geographical orientation of these gun rooms in relation to the rest of the ship always bothered me as a kid. It never occurred to me that Lucas is playing with the idea that the Falcon uses artificial gravity.

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Did Ben really have to sacrifice himself? It seems like by prolonging the battle, Luke & the gang may have escaped unnoticed. Especially if it was his intention all along to face Vader again.

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As Ramin Bahrani would say: "witnesses" to conflict add weight.

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I really wish this scene had more weight. I'm not sure what it is. But I don't think we really care enough about their prior history up until now.

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More Vader subordination. He basically asks permission to fight Obi-Wan. It's an interesting dynamic. He also implies that he knows Obi-Wan is here for revenge.

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Pretty amazing editing trick. When your original scene has very vague exposition, add voiceover to your featureless robot to solve the problem!

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This is the first time we see The Force actually being used. It's also the only time in the series that we see Vader as subordinate to anyone other than the Emperor.

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Starting off at the very beginning (a very good place to start): STAR WARS (1977). I'll never feel totally right with the ret-conned 'A New Hope' branding, but I get why they did it.

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