Oh man this reminded me of this one fake expansion idea I had a while back. This guy’s name was Joshua and he was a warlock that went “Hey, y’know Illidan’s idea? What if I take that but make it Worse” and tried taking over the world with demons bc he was sick of people fighting

0 1

donation request for who wanted Illidan blushing! what a fun request, thank u for donating!! 💖

41 143

Illidan Stormrage was introduced to Hearthstone as the basic Demon Hunter Hero, and his story was told through the DH Prologue. takes a look at whether it was accurate and fills all the gaps in his lore. Read more here: https://t.co/d8mkQVFg1q

3 12

I just realized I never posted this here!

When I first started I could NOT stop thinking about how War and shared the same VA so I doodled this.

7 26

literally like every bit of dialogue between xera and illidan turns me into a rabid animal but "i am my scars / my destiny is my own" make me

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"'I had thought you lost!' the sorcerer said, slapping Malfurion hard on the shoulder. Failing to notice his brother wince, Illidan turned to the officer. 'Any more questions?'"

imagine this refrigerator wincing at anything LOL like...... the choices they make are just.....

0 14

WIP of Illidan, I'll be working on this guy on Twitch in a few minutes: https://t.co/a1KdtrkjWC

6 56

Gimme more characters \o/
I had a difficult time working on Illidan and I also wanted to try out different things - again. And some problems popped up from nothing, because I'm a dungeon master and my players want me dead, I think😂

0 4

Kael'thas Sunstrider 很喜欢凯尔萨斯。Selama ashal'anore.

0 1

Three of my favorite characters, cyan! (blue/blue-green).

Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
Okay, so Illidan is kinda blue/purple. Close enough.
Illidan's brother, Malfurion. https://t.co/1kFVL6cjFi

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what if tyrande got big dumb ardenweald horns and so she malf and illidan could all have stupid stuff on their head🤔

503 2480

A different approach this time - I wanna improve my skillset in semirealism, not forgetting my cartoonish style either, so Illidan is a great opportunity to try myself out :D

2 4

World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Art 🎨

Draenei Mage - Liu tao https://t.co/S3PotohbQo

Kael'thas - Yy6242 https://t.co/UsOQUeP7q2

BloodElf Paladin - Sendol Arts https://t.co/uxU97E3gE5

illidan Stormrage - LightCG https://t.co/wXs4kd6oTn

103 485

"Lelouch vi Britannia commands you, obey me subjects, obey me world!"
I tried out some new things during this, had so much fun, but 5 more fanart still await; next is Illidan.
I'm open for suggestions!

2 11

My finished way too late haha

These were incredibly fun to do. So we've got for your peeping pleasure
-the man with no name
-Illidan Stormrage
-Uncle Iroh
-Joe Exotic

Thank you everyone for your suggestions

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「イリダン・ストームレイジ/Illidan Stormrage」

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