I was so sad to hear about Kyoto Animation today....A Silent Voice, Violet Evergarden, and Clannad were some of my top favorites that have always touched my heart and couldn’t watch without crying. Now my heart goes heavily out to them 😭😭😭

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F for Kyoto Animation
Al estudio y a todas las personas que murieron en este hecho lamentable

Creditos del dibujo a su respectivo autor

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i still can' believe what happened today 😔 may the beloved characters reach out to their creators! This is all I can give you in return for your beautiful animes!

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As someone loves anime hearing what happened at Kyoto Animation is heartbreaking. They gave us some many amazing series, the staff always put there all in every frame of animation. My heart goes out to those that have been lost and there families

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Lamento mucho lo que paso con kyoto animation es un estudio que tanto ami como a casi todos ustedes nos ha hecho pasar buenos momentos y crear muchos recuerdos muy buenos lamento todos los que fallecieron en el incendio a sus familias afectados

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have the passion and strength to come back from this. Take your time to heal and we’ll be here when you flourish once more.

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Yesterday I started this drawing and today when I woke up I read about the tragedy. It is really sad that this happened. I had many good times with works from this studio and it inspired me. It makes me very sad that they went through this.

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Have just woken up to some horrifying news Kyoto Animation what most of you might know from A Silent Voice was the target of a brutal attack in the early hours of today with a lot of confirmed fatalities This is truly saddening :(

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My thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims.

Here I'm sharing my favorite works from and what it evokes for me.
- Clannad: family
- Free!: friendship
- Koe no Katachi: self-acceptance
- Violet Evergarden: conveying feelings


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Character:Lilly satou
Source: katawa_shoujo
Regarding the Kyoto animation incident. I'm utterly speechless! Please my precious followers

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Por ultimo, un minuto de silencio en honor a las personas que trabajaban en Kyoto Animation. Personas que nos han traído maravillosos animes llenos de vida y color, una pena lo que ha pasado.

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Sad+scary how I was just talking abt Clannad over the last few days, wanting to rewatch it, and show it to my mom. It's an anime filled with many many memories to me - and now this. It's all just too painful and I cannot comprehend any motive.

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I' very sorry for the human losses that have occurred in this lamentable event. The material can'be reconstructed but human lives can not. Everyone is with you and I hope in God that U give strength to the family

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A tragedy for KyoAni today with the fire that was set and lives lost. They've already surpassed their goal for a fundraiser for the victims and families of victims but here's the link

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My heart goes out to the families of suffering because of the tragic events that took place at Studio 1. This is a horrific event and, as an anime fan and a human being, has shaken me. I am sorry for your losses and hope the attacker faces justice for what he did.

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