Whats this map?

Todays rain radar - No
Sightings of Waxwings this winter - No
Breeding population of Hen Harriers - NO

Its a hotspot map showing the Confirmed Persecution of Birds of Prey in Scotland between 2003–2017 - and these are just the confirmed ones!

And yes it is 2018

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Update Time! 👏🏻
Who is ready for 8vs2? Who is ready for the moon river park map? Who is ready for new skins? Who is ready for one of the biggest updates of Identity V? 👻🎃

10 54

"Ohh gosh... What is this place? The wind is so heavy...
Looks like a place I've never been, but what is this déjà vu?
A windmill? Some wrecked houses?
No! I need to get out of this place!"
Hmmm... Detectives, is this a NEW MAP?

41 203

Need a seasonal map? I have maps for Winter, Summer, Fall ... and ummm, crap. No spring map. 😐 I know, I'll just Spring a trap! (nailed that one) 🗡️🔥🐍

https://t.co/OjLy4LhxJp For use in Roll20 or download.

23 68

✨🌟WIP screenshot of a map you'll see in Verloren.🌟✨
🍭🍬 I wonder if there will be more sweet treats beyond this map? 🍬🍭
🍭🍬Like some candy corn. 🍬🍭

2 15

Hi! Awesome work! Can you tell me what program did u use to generate this great AO Map? :D Thank you!

0 0

Hi! I was watching your awesome stream and wondering what program do u use to generate the AO Map? Look so good! Ty!

0 1

Work in progress by , and me! You recognize this map?

3 12

redrew our D&D world map???
I missed making cheesy-ass fantasy maps LEAVE ME ALONE

3 11

Ick, why is it so hard to find a map? Best entrance is on 11th Ave, but closer to 33rd St (most people enter closer to 34th)

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Who wants to follow this map?

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We've got another environment we'd love feedback on. Do you think it would make a good map?

5 12

Thank you for doing "Maps" the right way! What is this MAP? https://t.co/zzjovSdhdB

0 1

Do you have a map? Because I just keep losting in your eyes.

2 4

Want to be on my Dwntn Saint Paul Bike Loop Map? --> http://t.co/g0QcnR9E2S

18 18

First Person Street Fighter! Can anyone name the map?

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