Usopp: Son of a Pirate

"Dad's ship has returned!!! He's come back for us, mom!!!"

59 501

"Hawk-Eye" Mihawk: The Greatest Swordsman in the World

"Strive with your whole heart and mind to best this blade, fierce one!!!

68 398

Carne the Charcutier

"Here you can cook and fight to your heart's content!"

19 167

Gin: Battle Commander of the Pirate Armada

"That was the first time in my life that anybody was ever so kind to me!! I... I can't kill this man!!!"

39 304

Patty the Patissier

"The customer is king, got that?!"

35 297

Raffle pieces :'D was alot of fun! they both strutting it 😳
Killer✨| Katakuri🍩

9 46

Chef Zeff

"If only there was a restaurant smack in the middle of the ocean."

55 385




9 50

Lt. Ironfist Fullbody

"I am a customer!!! How dare you take that attitude?! You're a lowly cook!!!"

28 163

Bounty Hunter Yosaku

"I don't know how to thank all of you. I was sure I was a goner."

38 270

Ship Guard Butchie

"Cat-a-pault Cat-astrophe!"

37 194

Ship Guard Siam

"You fell for it! I was just pretending to be a scaredy-cat."

27 169

Merry: Kaya's Loyal Servant

"She's a caravel, with a jib and a central stern rudder. I present to you... the Going Merry!"

37 294


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4 11

I wanted to upload this drawing when One Piece reached the thousandth chapter, but at the time I couldn't, that discouraged me a lot, but if Oda taught me something, and he taught me a lot, it is that the adventure is just beginning. 🔥

8 46

Carrot, Pepper, & Onion

"This will be the greatest battle that the Usopp Pirates have ever fought!!"

59 454

ONE PIECE WT100締め切りまであと3日!


0 2