Day 9 of Pixeltober ft. Vtubers

I really really like Mel's live2d model

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8th Day of Pixeltober Practice ft. Vtubers


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Days 7 & 8 of Pixeltober: Loki Kashima and Bass Lyne!
(These portraits are the first time I've actually drawn these characters, funnily enough!)

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7th Day of Pixeltober Practice ft. Vtubers

Today i offer you this pixelart of Cvnka!

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Day 7: Window
Inspired by my void, who spends all her time staring out the window at birds.

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Size: 200x105px
Palette: 35 colors
Time: 2 hours

[This is a little drawing of my favorite videogame of all time 🤗]

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Days 5 & 6 of Pixeltober: Morgan Yang & Merlie Hellawes!
(And we're finally caught up! Gonna keep these going in pairs!)

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6th Day of Pixeltober Practice ft. Vtubers

This is comrade Futakuchi Mana, i love her covers so much.

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5th Day of Pixeltober Practice ft. Vtubers

Big Congrats to the amazing Silvervale on her Live2D Debut!

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Days 3 & 4 of Pixeltober: Avery Rockwell & Rio Ravus!
...I got a lot of tabletop characters to go through.
A *lot*.

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