If you were going into battle, would you want a drink or some uppers?

1 21

How did you like the way Germaine, Fergus, Claire and even Percy Beauchamp dealt with, ahhhh, reacquiring Clarence?

0 8

What would you say to your sorta ex-husband who your back from the dead husband beat up?

1 13

Do you think Claire performed her medical procedures on John to make Jamie feel sorry for him and diffuse his anger?

4 15

Do you agree that a "good soldier" obeys all orders without question?

0 6

Why do you think William is so hostile to Ian? Is it just about Rachel, or something more?

1 13

What kind of meaning do you think dreams carry?

0 12

What advice would you have given Dottie and Rachel? Did you enjoy Claire's advice?

0 11

If you could meet someone from the Revolutionary War, who would it be and why?

1 40

Do you see shades of Jamie in William? What reminds you of JAMMF?

0 7

Would you drop something for Rollo if he were staring at you at the table?

2 33

What did you make of Denys Randall's exhortation to William to avoid Richardson at all costs?

0 6

Have you ever done your genealogy? Anything interesting or historical?

0 8

Could you bear to send those you love into battle & shed their blood towards your ends?

0 8

Do you believe Roger's prayer w/ BJR will make any difference in what happens to Jamie?

0 23

Why do you think Roger keeps having to face the question of being able to change the past?

1 55

Le'ts talk about Frank's letter to Bree, shall we?

2 13

How did you feel about Roger's meeting with Dougal? Did Dougal seem different to you?

0 8

Do you think Rob Cameron can travel thru the stones?

1 9