Okay now I’ll officially disappear but expect to see lots of screenies of her when I finally have functioning WiFi again!!

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Wanted to take a few screenies of the hair I never decided to use but @/RainyViera convinced me to try out again (didn't tag because I don't wanna' bug with notifs ><)

Looking SO goth. I can imagine this was her teenage years LOL

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TGIF folks! Hope you're all chillin' out & stayin' safe.

No time for new screenies, but have some broody Kuno alt pics in the meantime (that hair seems made for it).

[NA] Yesoma |

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I was sorting old screenies, and if I have the moolah this October, I'm definitely commissioning someone to draw my Xirei in her Halloween look. XD

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Got tagged by to share my 4 favorite screenies, so here we goooooo~!

Also tagging: , , , , and ! Go do the same! I wanna see your top picks! 🖤

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Some eso derg screenies being meanies as usual

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top four screenies!! of illya because all illyanaud screens are my fave. this was so hard to choose ;u;
Tagged by: &
Tagging: , , , , , , & ,

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was checking screenies for a friend and I noticed this change of name

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taking screenies for shb and gnb stuff and i'm just so in awe with the edenchoir gunblade and book...

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Testing out some ideas for the visual novel UI
Just some sketches cobbled together from screenies from various stuff + bad scribbling, lol

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My turn, still at work so no screenies of Winterrrr

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Coppertone Summer Jam 2020 is out, featuring 16 fantastic maps of a wide variety. Here are a few screenies from my submission. Get it here (requires latest Copper mod):

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here's some screenies of the stuff i'm most proud of for which i don't rlly like the name of the tag, but i figured i might as well post for it x)

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Sadly no, i dont have any Dream Girlfriend screenies, but Cipe is my main UTAU and OC
Shes a shapeshifting alien with an affinity for singing. :)

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Obligatory screenies

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Unfortunately, I has no screenies from ingame.

As far as their relationship, it's evolved into romance. (Continued because of posting limits)

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