Thank you to my bestie for this sweet treat - but also, I didn't realize how awesome the particle effects were. Bestie helped me take some screenies - more to come soon!

[NA] Yesoma |

0 21

The tooth fairy is far more intimidating in the darkness...

[NA] Yesoma |

0 25

Just a quick one tonight.. haven't had time for more screenies of the witching hour just yet

[NA] Yesoma |

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Now for the blooper reel of the Kzarkie shoot - featuring the cultists not paying much attention... until they saw me!

[NA] Yesoma |

0 19

Another intermission of Terrmian screenies - posting some oldies, but goodies..

[NA] Yesoma |

0 23

Been a crazy weekend - missed a post & a screenie event, too. For now, I'll leave my Terrmian entries.

[NA] Yesoma |

2 25

Sorry I missed a post or two - feeling much better today, so have some of the alter egos running amuck together.

[NA] Yesoma |

0 24

This Corsair, come Hadum or high water, is keeping it cool by making a splash! 🌊 (Too cheesy?.. ah well..)

[NA] Yesoma |

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Ever get a Tuesday that feels like a Monday? Oof.. Good thing there's screenies of better days.

[NA] Yesoma |

0 21

Missed out on the National Pet Day post (I'd have to search some out in the massive 🗻 of screenies.. does Garmoth count? If I remember, I'll post some tomorrow.

[NA] Yesoma |

0 26

All right.. the last of the Sage screenies for the time being - I'll get back to the regularly scheduled verdant one in a bit.

[NA] Yesoma |

1 28

Decisions.. decisions.. the real choice happens in-game when I see how drastically different the face ends up looking outside character creator...

[NA] Yesoma |

0 24

Tried making a Nova - will fiddle more before I decide on the one I want to keep.. also ran around Winterpark, though strangely enough.. wasn't wintery for me...

[NA] Yesoma |

1 27

More of the same... the old & the bestie.. but the weekend approaches, so there's that to look forward to!

[NA] Yesoma |

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