But please consider....what if...Grookey……...was sloth.

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hey im sloth. im mostly know for my ink work but i dabble in digital from time to time too. drop me a follow will ya?

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Also started on my next project. Which is people as Teen Titans and like before I only chose one person in this entire thing for there character, everything else was Angel, Maou, and Sloth. So first one is Mars as Cyborg so yeee.

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Depends on the sloth. Slothy enjoys his broth froth.

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i made a new character .... sloth.....

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My third sub badge is ready! It is my first time drawing a sloth... 😅
(My sloth emotes were made by my friend , much love to him ❤️) But here is my version of a sloth on a sub badge for 6-month subs! (Click on it to see it less blurry). A sloth on a broom! 😂

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Cure Flora holds a sloth. キュアフローラはナマケモノを保有しています。

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Megatherium is an extinct species of giant ground sloth. Charles Darwin Collected several fossils relating to Megatherium while exploring South America on the Voyage of the Beagle. (2/5)

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*shrugs* ...not particularly proud of this one. Just playing around & doodling a bit. He’s a fancy sloth.

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I have been showing off Affinity Designer to a friend who’s considering buying it, so here’s a vector sloth.

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For 27 I did a redesign on Rocket the Sloth. Brought to you by one of the 2 VHS I had of Adventures as a kid.

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u u w w u u
u u w w w u u
u u w w w w u u
u u u w w u u u

Pumpkin UWU Sloth... HAPPY SLOTHTOBER :) ! ! !

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The first of many to come, Mummy sloth... dragging rags and possibly you through the dirt. HAPPY SLOTHTOBER !

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Nobody knows how to relax better than a sloth. 😋 What's your favorite way to unwind?

🙌 Art by » https://t.co/HAKtNFROl0

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HELLO. THIS IS NOODLE. My personal mascot/alter ego character I use for self expression.
Androgynous Brown throated 3-toed sloth.
Bradypus Variegatus.
Bucket hat.
Art by me, suit by ! 💚

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A sleeping sloth. A book page design we did in collage and pencil crayon.

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Happy To celebrate, here’s a watermelon sloth. Because there’s nothing more magical. » https://t.co/Ndp61pAW1q 🍉

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