Fanart Trials of Mana : DURAN. I like this game and this character 😀😍. Stay tuned for the next characters.

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My first character for the 6fanarts 😀 Duran from Trials of mana. I hope you like, follow me for the next characters. 😊😘

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Test render of my Elly piece! Going to create a low poly of it and get to texturing soon! 😃

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by released! A game some considered a bit too open ended for the time, players chose any of seven characters that all had completely different tales interwoven amongst its sprawling worlds. Kenji Ito wrote TWELVE battle themes for it!

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releases in Japan. A gritty, realistic setting based in Manhattan, Parasite Eve really sets itself apart from RPGs at the time. The story is rooted in science, the visuals dark and grotesque, and the soundtrack hauntingly beautiful.

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TERRA de final fantasy 6, je suis fan de ce personnage et je voulais en faire une version personnelle. j'espère qu'elle vous plaît.
TERRA’s final fantasy 6, I’m a fan of this character. my personal version. I hope you like it.

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(Which isn't to say that's not true of the others, but there's something about Bahamut Lagoon being so much its own thing, but still so very "Maximum Squaresoft", that's always caught my eye)

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I think, for me, Bahamut Lagoon is the most "Squaresoft" SNES game of them all, above Chrono Trigger or Seiken Densetsu 3

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Parasite Eve case artwork! Squaresoft’s 1998 action RPG with survival-horror elements is actually based off a novel by the same name.

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Squall is finally done!
Big thanks to my friend Tom Miller who helped me with feedback and ideas!
Hope everyone enjoys it!

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