Unikitty: *it quickly rushed down... below her stomach* Uh-oh... I... I need to go...

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Unikitty: *she continued her search for Yona, when she felt something...

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Unikitty: *in her heart, she felt that something happened to Yona* Yona?!

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Unikitty: Lachlan!! Applejack!! *she races into a tunnel*

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Unikitty: What is it?

*suddenly, a tiny spider crawled on Yona’s hoof*

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Applejack: We can tell that y’all have something deep down that you’re afraid of.

Unikitty: Pttf, hehehe, I probably do, but Yona’s a big strong yak! She’s not afraid of anything, right bestie?

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*suddenly, the only exit is blocked off by some sort of crystals*

Unikitty: Ooh, that’s probably not good.

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Unikitty: You think Twilight knows this is under here?

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Unikitty: *echoing* I think so...

Yona: Hang on, Yona come down! *she jumps down, landing with a big WHUMP*

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Unikitty: I’m not sure... *she leans down to have a closer look... before she slips on the metal and falls in* Whoaaaaaaa!! *thud* Ouch!

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Unikitty: *she only lets out a tiny burp* ...Bummer.

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Unikitty: *takes the pizzas* Wow, there’s enough here for dinner AND breakfast- Ohhhh...

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Unikitty: No... Discord...!

Thorax: *comforting Unikitty*

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Unikitty: *she was panting nervously as she approaches the door to the females’ bathroom*

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Unikitty: *hides behind Discord so Chrysalis doesn’t see her*

Lachlan: *gulp* C-Chrysalis...!!

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Unikitty: *she stepped to the side* Ta-da!

*they look at Unikitty’s drawing of them, it was the most detailed drawing they’ve ever seen, no gaps, no messes, it truly was a beautiful thing*

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Yona: *honks loudly like a ship horn*

Unikitty: Pttf! *laughing*

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Unikitty: *nuzzling Yona’s belly* Thanks Yona!

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Yona: Yona help! *she rushed to find a medical capsule*

Unikitty: *thinks: Whoa! She’s getting faster!*

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