Revised Version
For anyone interested,here’s a list of people the Flash has overcome in battle,either by himself and/or with help.

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J'ai repris le revisionnage de Naruto, les combats lors de la poursuite de Sasuke. Mais c'est tellement inspirant et intelligent OMG, j'adore. Puis les jokers qui arrivent juste au bon moment, j'en ai pleuré, trop de classe. Et j'ai même redécouvert un perso formidable... 😏

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Dans deux semaines Magicarpe devra s'illustrer dans des combats duo. C'est l'heure du teambuild 🐟 ...


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Batman (2016) Vol 3 Issue 65 part 3
-It should be noted that the Speed Force was dying at this time & Flash stated that the clones were comparable to fighting an army of supermen. So this is an impressive feat for both Batman and Flash.

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Batman (2016) Vol 3 Issue 65 part 2
- Batman and Flash fight these near dozen clones to standstill, while they're weren't holding back.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 180 part 1
- Samuroids are heavily trained in the art of Bushido, hence their skill with a blade.

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10 juillet 1667
Les Agniers et les Onneiouts concluent la paix avec les Français. Une paix qui durera 20 ans, essentiellement due aux combats victorieux menés durant deux ans par le régiment de Carignan-Salières. 400 officiers et soldats décident de rester en Nouvelle-France.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 195
- Despite being temporarily blind for the first time, Flash managed to dodge bullets relying on his hearing before being saved by a dog.

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The Flash Vol 2 Issue 77
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 7) part 3

Thawne defeats these three veterans Speedsters, with effort, but still won.

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 27
- Reverse Flash 2 part 3

After beating Thawne again, Iris finishes it with a blast from a Blackhole Gun. Still, winner is the Flash.

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Justice League (2016) Vol 3 Issue 18
- Timeless Soldiers
Flash defeated 100 Timeless Soldiers even when his speed was dampened by Temporal Grenades.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 4
After a long tense fight, The Flash (and a little interference from his Dad Henry) won.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 1
The Flash fights against the second New 52 Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne who has a different origin.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 2
Flash wins, nothing else to go on about it.🤷‍♂️

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 1
The Flash takes on Gorilla Grodd inside the Speed Force, where both their powers are amplified.

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For anyone interested. Here’s a list of people the Flash has overcome in battle, either by himself and/or with help.

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Le saviez-vous? Nous voulions que tous les personnages aient une taille standard afin de n'occuper qu'une case pour les combats. Au final, chaque personnage possédera sa taille et sa largeur! Ce sera un défi technique qui en vaut la chandelle!

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