The Flash Vol 1 Issue 180 part 1
- Samuroids are heavily trained in the art of Bushido, hence their skill with a blade.

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Strange Adventures Vol 5 Issue 3
- Another powerhouse's Hawkman/Carter Hall, who fights and trashes these Samuroids. Hawkman's no pushover either, he smashed a T-Rex against a tree and destroyed his mace striking a Kryptonian.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 180 part 1
- Samuroids are heavily trained in the art of Bushido, hence their skill with a blade.

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Wonder Woman 2016 Vol 5 Annual 3 & Batman Vol 3 Issue 71
- Samuroids are no joke, they’re skilled enough to fight against Wonder Woman & she has tussled with Deceilia (who fought Supergirl.) They can fight and take hits from a restrained Bart Allen and Kon-El and not break yet.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 180 and 181 (even more to know)
- Confirmation on them being trained by Daisho in Bushido, who's a sentient Samuroid.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 181
- Swordsmanship Part 2
Back with a vengeance, Flash makes use of a more effective sword and takes out an entire company of Samuroids.#TheFlash

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