Color contrasts 🔥
*coughcough* who want to be whipped ?❤️*coughcough*😂

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Carbuncles are a... land of contrasts.

28 101

Hi, I am an artist making faces and high contrasts on digital...
Here are some recent examples I drew...
...Nice too meet you

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Chiaroscuro [page 1/?]

Definition: Italian for 'light-dark'), in art, is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.

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Mitsu and Vespa here are humanoid bug OCs, but Vespa contrasts from Mitsu by having more bug-esque features.

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Fig 3: Rando McGoogleimagesearch

now were really getting into interesting negative space and strong contrasts. v strong triangular movement—~15-16 in the body, not gonna bother counting the steep trapezoids on the ribbon or the lacing.

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Kojima Koukei

Pays de contrastes / Country of contrasts

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I actually love drawing purple bruises and bite marks on Near. It contrasts so perfectly with his pale skin. They really stand out. Mello would definitely be the type of person to cover Near in them 🤤

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Working in a tall format gives me space to depict the recession of fields in space. This piece continued the theme of patchwork landscape that I've worked with over the last few years. There are powerful colour contrasts in the foreground.

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For example in this piece, her warm skin tone contrasts her cool, blue hair
Because her hair doesnt pop out, it frames her face and your eye is drawn to her face, and with her eye being a super saturated blue

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How about a look at some Season 2 traits and attention to detail:

- multitude of hair styles
- mask variety
- colour contrasts
- art design brings strong post apocalyptic anime vibes

Lets not forget these are just the tip of a 7K collection iceberg! LFG!

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Busts for amazing ❤️

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My favorite artist of the day is His clean, bright, visually arresting, cubist pieces are a clear reason as to why he was selected by as a top 3 artist. Spectacular palette of brilliant colors in contrasts that instantly engage. How has he not sold yet?

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BNK's confession: private, during the night, no witness, kisaeng house (nobles), mentioning his childhood & his surrogate father. It contrasts to Jihwa's confession: public (inn), day, YSH's past/amnesia & his partners= JIH's suffering/BNK: inspiration/solace

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Panel 56: Brian's pre-Excalibur world. The staff resembles his initial weapon. The elves look like his dead companion Jackdaw. The whole party conjures people Brian met helping Black Knight save Camelot. This pure fantasy contrasts w/ Brian's current sci-fi fantasy. -

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Kazuki Takamatsu artworks play with light & dark, innocence & violence, death & rebirth - all joining in a beautiful monochromatic harmony. SIGNED copies of "We Are Free to Kill" avail at akatako.

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More golems? Yes, please! We love the stunning contrasts between our Celestial Guardian and Abyssal Golem. The Abyssal Golem will be part of February's Patreon release.

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It also contrasts with the chelicerate-like neuroanatomy of Alalcomenaeus, a megacheiran supposedly more distantly related to crown-group chelicerates, which possessed homonomous limbs posterior to a pair of 'great appendages'. More info:

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