Mara: "Stupid, stupid. A big fat diversion—the oldest trick on the list. And I fell for it like some dumb farm kid."
Luke: "Watch your language."

11 54

We wait. We are bored. No, don't protest, we are bored to death, there's no denying it. Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste. Come, let's get to work! In an instant all will vanish and we'll be alone more, in the midst of nothingness!

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offers up the "EVERYBODY ... INTO THE POOL" and get a - & political diversionary tactic. Yah, this rodeo is about to crash into the federal govt when the vaccinations are nowhere to be found. Yah burnt Kenney.

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🐸Frog nun is so hungry and dazzled that she doesn't even remember her talent for stealing. Thank you Angry nun for this diversion and you can do it.😅Nice house little duck😊

1 2

A quick diversion from mask work - a speed sculpt of a mule!

14 111

A human :I sorry for the brief diversion from skelemen, we'll be back to a usual broadcast soon. =w= I made her to interact with 's delicious boy Rum.

11 184

Uno de los streams mas divertidos que he hecho, y ademas la diversion nunca falto. :3 ♥️

Muchas gracias por esas subs Siken.

La pasamos muy bien con Shumy hoy. ^^

1 6

Obligatory spoiler warning for a time looping murder masquerade puzzler I bought for a chill weekend's diversion and have been making assorted forms of All the Stuff for ever since. PLAY THE SEXY BRUTALE, Y'ALL 🎭

1 12

Bienvenido :b

Zoe es mi oc principal una coneja qué sé cree ruda es medio egocéntrica le gusta ser idiota por diversion y le molesta el hecho de que es linda porque así no se ve ruda y "cool"
(básicamente es sonic y rainbow dash combinados)

1 2

FANTASTIC FOUR Now that the FF have escaped confinement, it’s time to finish their jailbreak. If Torch and Thing can provide an ample enough diversion while Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman carry out their part of the plan, that is. All aboard the Cross-Time Express!

2 10

В Калининграде в рамках мероприятий, которые были организованы Pinax, написал несколько демонстрационных сюжетов.


1 8

fui de visita a casa de mi abuela como en todos los domingos

dibujando en casa de mi abuela las siguientes caratulas por pura diversion:

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Is a slight diversion, quite unique.

Owned by and can be seen in the here:

70-80 will mint soon.

2 6

Interested to see if this actually rolls back into the main event in a meaningful way, but tbh not complaining as it has been a gorgeous diversion.

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