Not to brag but my drawing got me blocked by Josh Hawley 😎

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There is nothing subtle about Scott Adams cartoons becoming non thought provoking but openly just racist . Sadly a word over used same with it’s called consequences and even cartoonist have them

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Nepotism on the Prairie!? Is Texas throwing matches against the new Champeen!? Our latest footage may SHOCK and AMAZE you!

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Just a reminder: there’s a difference between consequences and “cancel culture.”

Follow for more cartoons!

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Easy Ways To Be Cancelled!
Transcript of

Help us keep making cartoons by retweeting! Or help more directly at

Lots more cartoons!

23 56

Pope Francis on “A kind of one track thinking is taking shape, one constrained to deny history, or worse yet, to rewrite history in terms of present day categories, whereas any historical situation must be interpreted in accordance with hermeneutics of that time”

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Cancel Culture… you can’t cancel culture 🤷🏾‍♂️ art | animation | music by - 🌳

We have always been Kings, under pressure.

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Cancel culture is detrimental to freedom of speech and it must end! Victim culture as well, we don't stand for such nonsense at . !! check out our dope af apes!!!

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Dear gotta admit that I didn't know much about Warren Ellis, but I always loved Planetary and Elijah Snow is one of my favourite American comics "superheroes". What Warren does in his private life is non of my business. End of story.

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Shits up when is trending in Canada

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