Happy pride month! I myself and bi sexual! My page is a safe place for grsm/lgbtq+ people

Reposting this because I accidentally put p instead of q;v; dyslexia sucks

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have created a new homeschooling resource for children with dyslexia. The Homeschooling Help for Lockdown Pack features ideas of how to engage dyslexic readers, access to activities and much more! Find out more 👍 https://t.co/4wETLKYjjh

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I am a creative artists I also suffer from severe dyslexia I do believe art is so beneficial in mental health people's well-being anxiety especially at the present time I'm a simple painting could take someone's mind off their walls I'll have to know your feelings on health

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Ask questions

More info:

by & , It is a guide worth reading for everyone especially those with and their families.
You can find and buy this book at InfolitenBOK or In Swedish and Norwegian

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With a little bit of you can discover animals you never knew existed.

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. have compiled advice, information and free resources for parents and carers of children with dyslexia https://t.co/YrK4C5ORZh

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...and fuck dyslexia

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Superquick doodles I did a couple days ago. I'm currently reading PJOs to my roomie, as they have dyslexia so bad they cannot read books themselves. (I suspect they might be a demigod!)

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has some wonderful free resources that are dyslexia friendly, and lots of reading suggestions to encourage young reluctant readers to pick up a book!
Take a look at their range of colouring sheets, wordsearches, and puzzles at https://t.co/hLixMmjQcd

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Don't assume a student is lazy, check for the signs of https://t.co/ZP4A8A9dV2

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Uni is closed but we still have work to do, and im really struggling, mainly with my essay. I don't get as much help with my dyslexia as everything is shut now.
Imma do my best!
But i know my grade will be affected regardless...

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Dyslexia Explained - helps parents understand dyslexia: the positives, the difficulties & what helps. https://t.co/iAiuehOAuD

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3) There are many people with autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, tourette's syndrome, ADHD... but many of us don't see these neuro-differences as something that "has to be cured", we see them as part of ourselves. & with the challenges, also come our superpowers & unique qualities.

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I like to refer to this menu as 'Boy I wish I didn't have dyslexia'

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Gift of Dyslexia Workshop - Oslo / Norway - 23 - 26 May


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If you have diagnosis of Dyslexia did you know you can request extra time for doing tests? It is common to be allocated an additional 25%.

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