Знаете, я тут думал про Джимена... Вот эти вот все иллюзии, психическое воздействие на людей, управление воронами, непонятно, на чьей он стороне, супер-агент, всех убил, но оставил в живых одного ребёнка... Итачи, это ты?..

2 16

having free time to draw again is so nice

9 29

The is ongoing, & so accordingly Chapters 2 - 6 of our Half-Life comic, & both volumes of the soundtrack, will be on sale through to December 3rd! Check them out: https://t.co/fxztHChV2c

5 14

I promised new art when HL3 was released as a joke so here you go.

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Right. If I were to finally get into VR, should I get Index, Hive or something else? Which is best? Which has the most versatile?

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I made something in light of the return of Valve and the end of it's silent time of building up power in secret.

November's going to be remembered as one hell of a month.

And Epic still does not have a Shopping Cart.

0 1

Sooo, who else is excited about the big news?

1 7

did some half life art hope these things are not in the new one tho

1 14

Screen shots ive taken from the new half life game

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This is really cool. The largest Combine vehicle we've seen so far, and what might be the first space-faring vessel. This appears a few times and I'd bet it's a key location in the game.

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Now this thing is pretty interesting. Looks like an entirely new enemy design, although possibly some form of zombie? It has the claws and the ruptured abdomen, but there's no headcrab. Also note the uniform on the dead guy on the left. New design.

1 6

looks like 2019 really is the year of shattering impossibilities huh?

1 6

Love the new Combine designs in the trailer, couldn't resist doin' a doodle

We missed ya, boys

3 15

Well Freeman may not be in the new game, but let's dress like him!

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