It Finally happened everyone! I can't believe it!

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Очень жаль, что эту игру я пока что могу пройти только на ютубе(((

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"I'm in danger."
The worst death in Half life xd
What was your worst death in Half Life? :)

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Here's a little more of CHAPTER 1, which is now a couple of pages from completion...! Pencils & inks by and colours by

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In the meantime, CHAPTER 1 - FOLLOWING PORTENTS is coming together beautifully...close now, and then on to 1.5 (THE VORTESSENCE....!)

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The is ongoing, & so accordingly Chapters 2 - 6 of our Half-Life comic, & both volumes of the soundtrack, will be on sale through to December 3rd! Check them out:

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I promised new art when HL3 was released as a joke so here you go.

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There's a lot of eyes on Half-Life right now, so I guess now's as good a time as any to direct eyes to the comic's new prologue, which you can read for free on our website:

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Meanwhile sur la page Starcraft III de des gens l'attendent poliment .. depuis 2007

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