Carol and Hex

Carol is just edit more quality, and Hex is drawing my art style ver.

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... i uhhh-
KINDA have tried to draw Carolas a bit lmore tall gal-
... again, im still not used to publish female art and im concerned of the concecuences-
Like the hate, because i choose the wrong skin color, etc-
Or that she is more thick that usual-
But eh-

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Continuing with Funkin' Halloween, we have Carol!! She's dressed up as an angel!

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gray hues?? idk i lik colr :)

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Al fin pude comprar nueva Laptop aaaa qwq y bueno-me puse a practicar en Paint un rato, hasta que salió este dibujito de Carol que me gusto mucho como quedó ^^/<333

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Ready? and Swing! Strike a pose~ And Swing! ♬♬
Took me like 1000 years (?) but I finally got my fanart done! x'D Mod by you should play it, it's a really fun mod! One of my favourites actually

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