Being a demon and building self confidence is hard. Eric may be having a breakthrough though. Chapter 14 is one of the softest chapters so far of story. Read it early here:

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Being godfathers is hard enough but things get more complicated as Aziraphale & Crowley have to explain hereditary enemy relationships. Read chap 12 of fic on ao3:

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2 5

Guardian angels please keep an eye on your disposable demons near consecrated ground!! They aren’t as tough as they appear! Check out chap 11 of fic on ao3:

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Aziraphale and Crowley are enjoying well deserved alone time while their godchildren are out for the day. Read chap 12 of wonderful fic early here:

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Æther Realm: Redneck Vikings From Hell
Front Cover
Photography, Mac. 9460 x 4000 Pixels (Full artwork)
Art Direction: Aether Realm

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Time for Eric's first solo run at temptation and an angel's first run at thwarting said temptation. What could possibly go wrong? Chap 10 of is up on AO3:


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Eric and Tim continue their adventure of learning how to be adversaries. Eric learns flustering angels is harder than it looks.
Check out chapter 11 of wonderful fic early here:

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After buying Neighbours from Hell on Steam and playing it again. I've had CDs with that game somewhere but it seems like I lost them. Anyway this game is literally my childhood, it never gets old.

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New review up at Too Much Horror Fiction: Ramsey Campbell’s masterful 1989 novel about a lost Karloff & Lugosi film, ANCIENT IMAGES:

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Eric may have set his sights a bit high looking for an adversary. Archangel high. Godkids are a lot of work! Chap 7 of wonderful fic is on ao3:

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More FREE audiobook codes added for Valancourt books, including several titles! Grab them quickly (seriously, they will be gone in minutes):

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The archangels have arrived, and as scary as they are, Eric begins to get an idea. Chap 7 of by the wonderful is up early here:

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Crowley is definitely the reason Aziraphale doesn’t sell a lot of books. At least that’s what Eric believes. Chap 5 of the amazing collab with is on Ao3:

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Crowley may be ( begrudgingly) warming up to his and has it confirmed again that Hastur is the worst! Read chap 6 of amazing fic early here:

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1 9

Crowley isn’t used to being admired by fellow demons, but Eric is determined to get some training! Read chap 3 of amazing fic on ao3 to see antics!

1 9

Impressionable Eric is enamored with Crowley & Aziraphale's tales of epic battles that totally happened. Read chap 4 of wonderful fic before it hits ao3:

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After watching My Cat From Hell I realize I'd make a very poor Jackson Galaxy because this would be my response every time.

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