explorer (colonizer, exploiter) peachette!
... yes i have other homework to do

2 35

Dernière illu de l'année. Avec des vaisseaux spatiaux, des épées et des armures médiévales. J'me dit, on sait jamais, à force, une boite d'anim ou de JV va tomber dessus, et me dire qu'on à un budget no limit pour exploiter l'univers. Esprit de Noël quoi. Merci bien ! 🖤🖤🖤

29 125

🌼 an angel loitering around the garden..

i'm trying to practice drawing him =v=
choi saeran / unknown / ray

12 29

I give you full discretion to shove a cash money Rinon on said loiterer :(

0 3

fungus magi loitering

0 4

Loitering With Intent by Kevin Weber
As the sun goes down in Laos during the a Combat Search and Rescue mission is underway. A pair of provide cover while the HH-3 extracts the downed pilot.

15 33

Escape The Lost Pyramid
Ubisoft a décidé d'exploiter le succès des escape room pour créer quelque chose lié au monde d'Assassin's Creed Origins

3 1

Dragons V Elephants. There was an eternal battle between Elephants & Dragons in India according to Pliny the Elder, a 1st century A.D. Roman natural philosopher & military officer in his encyclopedia (Naturalis Historia) The myth loitered for 1400 years.

95 250

Some more Eden. Loitering in hallways is not a hobby, but if it were, it'd be one of theirs.

0 0

Pyukumuku would be like... a punk dude, right? Always getting kicked out for loitering only to come right back. Yeah, that's what a punk would do.

1 1

So you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift.

0 5

looks like the park has a new loiterer

35 294

loiter (verb); to stand about without any aim or purpose.

3 0

big fluffy lion loitering in a 90s t-bell dreamscape : typical Lush for 🌯🌯🌯

1 2

Chummer loiteri--err, chilling with Herbiboy!

34 58

Loiter is probably my favorite possessor wicked yokai
sucks you can't recruit them

3 6