Created this character on a whim in a picrew earlier today and I fell in love immediately so I drew her myself. I think it turned out GREAT !!!

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There was also a prompt to make stockings for your characters, so I made these ! Athena's doesn't have a face drawn on it because Maya drew the faces and Athena does not know Maya in canon thanks :)

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Made a new Warpa character, so I'll post her ref sheet as well as Shanna's and Maya's! :O Soon I'll post another character in the works to so keep an eye out for that maybe if you want

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My half of an art trade with kiddo !

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The last three days for Warpatober ! These followed a little story line, so it's nice to have them together like this. The prompts were Goo, Scared, and Death !

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Warpatober Days 25-28 ! Prompts were Fog, Toxic, Gothic, and Coffin !

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A little late but Warpatober days 21-24 ! Prompts were Trick, Cauldron, Broken, and Tentacles !

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Warpatober days 17-20 ! Prompts were Candy, Buried, Magic, and Pumpkin

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Warpatober days 13-16 ! Prompts were Wicked, Psycho, Fangs, and Stitches

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Warpatober days 9-12 !! The prompts were Moon, Clown, Creepy, and Bones !!

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Warpatober Days 5-8 ! Spirit, Burn, Beast, and Dark ! :o

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I’m participating in the monthly challenge for the group I’m in on DA - Warpatober !! Basically inktober for that group. Here are the first days !
Doll, Eyes, Skull, Chop

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Created a creature. This is Alphylet, she's a Yresje Demon. I'm going to make her bother Shanna.

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Baby Shanna based on a baby pic of mine. This is for a monthly prompt over at Warpa Central (not what the group is called)

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I love 's orange puppy mascot and then this happened 😳

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I love Morpeko and my mood is also ruled by my stomach so I just felt this was necessary... Mepeko...

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Drew this kind of Harvest-Moon-sona to try to experiment in other art styles. I really like how this one came out!

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Commission for my buddy for an angel fighter! Designed her with her outer outfit and her fighting outfit she always wearing underneath. She is muscular and very cute.

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