Vanessa hadn't left the house, or dusted in months... ✍️🎶

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Three ladies in lockdown waiting for a knock at the door.. but is it a delivery or... Vanessa 🎶✍️

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might i offer u all some epithet erased art in these trying times....

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Eu fiz uma brincadeirinha no face de montar um Oc pelos comentários de um post, e o resultado foi esse! ❤❤ Eu to muito apeixonadinha

Essa é a Lyndel, a fadinha com uma coleção quase completa de bonecos de motoqueiros

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It's in the diary! 🎶💕#GlyndebourneOpenHouse

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Here's my take on this Honey Bunny! Kept getting Gardening Mama vibes but I still have her terrible shoes with socks >:3

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Here is a drawing of Molly Blyndeff from Epithet Erased.

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painted this gorgeous rendition of my main RP/WoW/D&D character and namesake, Emalynde, and honestly, she couldn’t look more perfect.

Starbit is still taking commissions! You can find her work on Insta as and .

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over here turning out an AMAZING product. This isn’t even the finished piece! It’s still a WIP! /swoon. Much love to her for capturing my main character and namesake, Emalynde Lor’thanil. 💕

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Here is a lynDerp QR code for you!


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Snakes and Ladders🐍 Check out my design for a Snakes and Ladders Game for Glyndebourne Opera House 🎤🎭❤️

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Rawr! It's 's beartrap! I'm hoping to do more epithet designs soon and maybe even sell some of em 👀

Molly is so cute ;w;

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I drew some stuff for an AU I made with my pals!! It's called the Banzai Babysitters AU.

Giovanni finds Molly near a burnt down house after robbing Sweet Jazz Museum, and decides to take her home.

ok so basically she's baby

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