Thanks for those that dropped by.
You're doing what you can on days like today.
Here's what resulted from today open thought sketchy-sketch. Castor & Pollux, pseudo streamers.

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WIP, Pollux will punch, goddamnit

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A friend's and my OC's baby. It's a boy with two souls, Pollux and Castor. It's very fitting since one of their parents is also one with two souls and their names are Gemini and Gem.

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Twitter only lets me post 4 but here’s

I named them Castor and Pollux because am super original huhuhu

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Paprisu Mars / Pollux from quest, and a friday night funkin x puyo da crossover nobody asked for! Thanks for having me for another fun drawpile! <3

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I'm sorry but, more reposts... andStorm'sjusttoo...goodlookingXD that 2nd image, was done with a base though... but my base XD it's Pollux! The pretty boy severan look at those feathers/tuffs.

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Pollux has a new ref sheet now.. the guy gets shorter every time I draw him LOL

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So completely blew me away with this commission of my aasimar twins, Castor and Pollux! Thank you again so very much for all the work you put into this. I've got it set as my desktop and it makes me smile to see it every day!!

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here’s pollux [last name] i care for him deeply

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Introducing the Intercorp Model-02 "Pollux" in all its glory, created by the very talented

Art will be added to the CompCon file (together with some tweaks from stuff during play testing) and released on Sunday. Enjoy!

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双子座♊ 【 Pollux 】



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Castor and Pollux

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This one took me back, a friend's $15 request for Pollux from the old Phantasy Star series! Super creepy, but always good practice, especially considering how obscure she is XD


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In Greek myth, Gemini represents Castor and Pollux. They shared a mother, but only Pollux was the son of Zeus. They became the patron saints of sailors, apparently able to avert a shipwreck. More air signs ->

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For you lore addicts out there, the DS game does feature a few new characters, most notably Pollux and Castor rui Britannia (they're twins), two members of the extended royal family. Pollux pilots the Knightmare Frame “Equus,” which looks exactly as you’d expect.

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