Sketched (and somewhat paint) earlier this afternoon. Still struggling on how best to commit to a single line - as to "clean up" the draft noise.
Without direction, it ended up as a fan sketch.

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WIP Update Day2
Unsure how the leggings would look like underneath and should it be ttached to the corset - is it still a corset? Does it become a strange one-piece tight legged romper?

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taking my 90mins to paint a Corset. because we call know its a corset beneath that adorable high-waist petticoat.
Also, who doesn't want to see and fanart? rofl

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Still euphoric on the AMAZING Spring day outside.
Timed (60min) freehand painting. no reference.
much like coldcall sales, every set of NOPES, a solid YES. Practice pitch makes perfect.
Have a great night!

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Thanks for those that dropped by.
You're doing what you can on days like today.
Here's what resulted from today open thought sketchy-sketch. Castor & Pollux, pseudo streamers.

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I'm not a big DC fan, but with good discourse, I can be convinced to imagine well a meets skin.
Here's a clearly unfinished timelapse of that idea for my

Have a great evening!

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This is the piece I struggled with yesterday, as directed earlier to go ahead and work through the Monday blahs. Unsure if the add'l 2hrs helped.
Grateful for the beautiful source photo by .
Gonna roll in my shell. Gnite. 💕💩🇨🇦

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Last day of iteration and I'm excited to try my hand at this that's been flooding my feed.
It's been awhile since I've had this much wrist pain, but I'm chalking it to muscle memory gains.

Have a wonderful weekend. 💕👋

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Starting a fresh thread, yet in continuance of the Week of Iteration.
Literally, the only style I have is loose wrist sketching, and THAT'S not even a constant.
Hope your April 1st was eventful and harmless.
Have a Great Night!

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Grayscale reiteration. Felt strange grayscale.
Nothing to see here.
Learnt a few things about the effect line and how it behaves on angle.
Have a Great Night!
Take care of yourselves frens.

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If you've seen this once you've seen this at least once.
its a week of reiterate, reiterate, reiterate.

have a wonderful Evening and Stay Safe!

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while watching a 90min Master Art Class, I worked on my sketchy sketch muscles. Most of the time spent was watercoloring the hair.

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Twas a busy Sunday adulting.
Tryna figure out where do I go from here.
Lost in thought.
Spent the last hour of the night quick sketching in expectations of

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Stay Comfy this weekend.
Easy tweet words done.
Stay wonderful, you beano-burrit

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Smol tonight before I crash into bed.
Learning how to best use Charcoal brush with Fingerblend. I am 10% sure I'm gaining some knowledge.
Also hoping this lo-fi Japanese "royalti-free" track is ... royalty-free.
Have a great night all.

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Was there a Fortnite online event this evening? My connection to all the streaming services was 💩 for a good stretch.
So I painted from adjacent & recent memory its an adorable haircut, just like you.

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Wrapped up a short on Twitch while spending time in channel.
Also, didn't have a sketch in mind, so I angled off her current piece.

Go check her out and her calm.

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Two pieces, I did finish the yesterday but the young Zed sketches seemed good.
Today sketch was another emote test.
Gotta make those LINES THICC.

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She just logged off her Stream.
Ending on a Just Chatting.
Wishing her the best.

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