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Today is birthday.... Happy 59th Birthday to you and we wish you all the best! 🥳🎈🎂

Ai Orikasa is a Japanese voice actress who first debuted as Prince Pietro in PopoloCrois Anime 1998, Monogatari II for PS1, PSP Version, 3DS, and Popolocrois mobile game in 2018.

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『風のクロノア』は良かったなぁ。頑張ってクリアしたけど最終面位で小さい足場を飛び移っていく所があって苦労した記憶が。最近リマスターで出て古いハード持ってない人も遊びやすくなったけど個人的にはPS1の低解像度のグラフィックが好きでOPムービーもPS1版の方が好き。 https://t.co/6RmzS33Hbi

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The artwork of III by Eiji Shiroi. 1st piece was used as base for the cover of MVS/AES/CD and (NA/PAL). 2nd piece was used exclusively for the cover of the Japanese PS1 release (and it's the better one imo). Upscaled, cleaned, and slightly retouched.

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2. Mint from Threads of Fate for PS1 is my all time favorite video games charactee from video games

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いよいよ本題。「ゲーム消化祭り 2022冬」、その最後を飾るのは……PS1『沙羅曼蛇デラックスパックプラス』より沙羅曼蛇2。グラディウスシリーズの一作で、今でも音ゲーで活躍なされているNAOKI氏のキャリアを代表する一品でもあります。

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SILENT HILL: In 1999 Harry Mason explored a fog filled town in order to find his missing daughter. A superb PS1 survival horror game from Konami, did you ever get scared by a crackling noise from a portable radio?

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Festive Nyam sign

Modeled and rendered with blender.
Painted with Substance Painter, Pixel8r 2 filter.

Inspired by artwork

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I really want to play Soul of the Samurai again, I first played it on the PS1 a long time ago and clearly had no idea where to go back then. It's a shame Onimusha (PS1) was canceled and moved to PS2, They could become rivals on that day. https://t.co/JuKAz3jaVQ

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Oh snap got reduced to a ps1 character...

Thank you again for letting me work on the blue boie 😌🙏

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mockup of a ps1 dalila platformer

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Happy birthday to Shuichi Ikeda! He is the original voice of White Knight in the first Popolocrois Monogatari (PS1). 🥳🎈🎂

White knight voice later replaced to Masashi Ebara which is he first debuted in Anime 1998 > Monogatari II > 3DS > Narcia's Tears 2018. https://t.co/Z58LnAQJmB

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I love making fake PS1 games!!!
(Yes I know about the typo, fuck off.)

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Currently howling with laughter at XS Jr League Dodgeball for PS1, in which the localizers decided to replace half the all-girl roster with Boys to make it more appealing to the west.

The art style match?

*Nailed it.*

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Sword Sigma

Source: Sword Lord
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1) by Konami

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Armadillos in PopoloCrois Monogatari (PS1) 1996 Concept Art by Atsuko Fukushima, TV Anime 1998, and Mobile Game 2018.

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