"Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries"

3 10

Hello ! Merci pour l'artshare, beaucoup trop d'artistes géniaux par ici 👀✨

Moi c'est Yunen, ce que j'adore c'est pouvoir raconter des histoires notamment à travers de la BD, construire des univers et des personnages riches en couleurs :)

4 9

Now open!
Aranyaka world quest series is now open for piloting

Part 1-4 price: $17 (book not included)
The whole book completed: $8 (there are 5)
Bundle (all): $22

Sumeru event price list!
- Graven Innocence: $5
- Lost Riches: $3

DM for questions!
Rts and likes is appreciated

11 19


The Kannok Sisters a.k.a. matriarchs of one of the most powerful families in the Zorrah Territory. They have fleets of ships at their disposal and riches beyond compare.

3 7



Cerro Rico, the biggest silver mine of it time, cradle of riches of the colonial world. Uncommon wealth ostentation and bloody slave labor ran through its alleys.

30 editions
1 Tez

3 6

⚔️ Jour 1 - Crystal ⚔️

« Dans le Royaume de Mc’Pie, les rangs sociaux sont définis selon la richesse et l’éclat des apparences. Qu’il est chaotique d’observer le pays le plus opulent au monde s’apprêter à ces carnavals. »

Nous vous présentons : Ogrenat💎


2 18

Si vous êtes trop riches (ou que vous avez quelqu'un) de trop riche dans votre entourage, appauvrissez vous (ou le) de quelques euros pour soutenir le journal qu’en a besoin.

5€ pour 12 numéros PDF
15€ pour 6 numéros papiers
25€ pour 12 numéros papiers

5 12

D'abord, vous le savez, le 7 septembre c'est la sortie des 2 premiers tomes d'Ultimage chez , illustrés par la merveilleuse .

Achetez-les, lisez-les, aimez-les, et rendez-nous riches et célèbres.

3 4

J'ai enfin terminé mon petit fan art sur la saga "la Passe miroir" de Christelle Dabos, se contenter d'un seul personnage est presque un sacrilège vu la richesse de sa créativité ✨

19 69

❄️Now Live!❄️

Come join the cult, for us- hand in hand, will overwin any evil and recieve all the riches known to kikokind


5 23

I hated doing this but here's what I got

-Greased Lightning (either regular or Gentelmann's Business)
-Poolside Polo or Team Player
-Blizzard Briches or B.T.A.S painted White

It looks awful but it's the best I could do.

0 35

[123] just the richest little guy on the server

54 794

Oh. She returned to town with her riches dressed as a girl, that post even talks about it that the village grew up only knowing bridget as a girl, who was very feminine shes described as "lady like", they also now knows shes a boy since the superstition ended, so they know.

0 2

Damn, Gravy you so vicious
You so clean, so delicious
How come you ain't got no misses?
Count that paper, count the riches

4 17

The richest artists I know focus on doing one or two things very well, and delivering them stupendously to scores of true fans.

The poorest artists I know never find a specialty, and never build an audience around themes they obsess over.

1 0

Yes. But as mentioned in her song, "She had nothing else she wanted to do" She solved the superstition in XX. She came back to the village with riches after completeing her bounties and made the village mega rich, thus disproving that male twins are not bad luck.

0 2

well...im royalty! so i have many riches for you~ i taste sweet! i tend to be too nice and a massive bimbo but i can make you honey whenever!~

0 1

The squad on their way to get riches😎

63 424