crept through the town, slithering and dark. He reveled in their terror, drank it in. Music halted his feeding. He clawed at the offending sound. A girl playing music.She continued playing and the notes slashed at him, tearing him to pieces until only hope remained.

15 83

8 billion protagonists
share this single stage.

We are stars.

Our gravity alters reality,
karmic edits of others’ episodes.

We are extras.

Tragic whispers wish
for magic. Flip the script
recast as guardian angels,
returning story’s touch.

24 129

False, the light
that shines to bright
The desire that speaks
but a home it does not seek

The that shows
when humility should glow
Beware the curves that give
toxicity through a sieve

This allegory
Is no ordinary story
Lost in a void
An outcome to avoid

🎨 swn

21 100

at the crossing
of the possible
and the impossible
begins and dies
monotonous rumble
of the words
that imitate
this deadly beat
of silence

M. Hultink

27 110

Words whirl through swirling
portals, towards worlds where
new futures unfurl.

Happy 💫

2 57

I wish
I could ball up
the negativity
and hurl it
far away.
it swamps me.

- hurl

2 11

Em made eye contact with the pirate. "Let me go below deck," she hissed, "so I can get Lex."

Lucian chuckled. "You gonna those little daggers at me or just stand there, spinning them while we banter?" Em looked at her hands, horrified. "You sure you're not an NPC?"

1 14

You taught me to
at Authority wagons

To stay calm at tempest
and set birds free

To ride winds
and be self-existing

To run dizzyingly
towards the Ultimate Truth

To be aloof
in front of Death

To get drunk with Poetry

Your grave,
my only shelter

30 126

I wish you an epic ride as we drop in on another year.

May we have the insight to ride the wave the way it's going & courage to shred w/ our unique expression.

If we wipe out, may we not crack under pressure but get back up on our board.

Happy New Year!

5 76

Abundance, security. miracle. 2023 will your carefully built facade.All that was hidden,revealed, layer by layer,the inner you, reached.There will be tears, redemption,salvation. You know who u are, no more condemnation or regrets.Happiness can't be bought;just be

3 23

The Bard©️

If begin
at the of dawn. Then
the temptation is the fiend at
my elbow so says, Shakespeare.

0 7

Trained since she was a child to be gentle, patient, and attentive to her guests, yet there was only so much disrespect and tyranny Shallot could tolerate. The lord's casual cruelty finally made her
Mother, wife, innkeeper, murderer, anarchist revolutionary leader

0 29

An electric soul,
A woman blazing cool.
Fists of plasma,
Eager for a mania.

Yellow eyes gleaming,
For a monster beating.
She’ll punch or melt stone,
Even if it shatters her bones.

At the end of the day,
One thing she'll say,
Is being a beacon of
Is pretty dope.

4 10

I had risen from the dead and found you, brushing your hair with languid strokes. Never noticing my weight shift behind you or my breath hot on your cheek. cracked open my chest when you gasped, but you had only caught your reflection.

14 114

she is
craving her dance
slender hands
on angelic
exquisite being
petite body
with crimson braid
creamy paleness
jade eyes purr
desiring to be the gold
embellishment embracing
bare shoulders
lips, ripe bounty
heart breaking
as he deems himself

24 86

I still remember those winter nights spent on lavender terraces. The wind would be cold, our love, young & tender, & our desires larger than our eyes could hold. And then the dream broke. thought the moonlight that shone our terraces wouldn't be lavender anymore?

5 36