Enlil was chosen by Samana behind his brother Enki's back to help with the genetic creation of modern humans in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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Astor is a commanding officer at the Galactic Federation headquarter in Sirius B and also a member of the Solar Cross.

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The Lion people are most commonly found on Beta Lyrae in the Lyra constellation. They are the guardians of the crystal deserts.

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The Zeta Greys were mostly used as slaves by the Dracos. Tau was lucky enough to escape and became a scout for the Anunnaki. Find out more about it in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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starfire is the blessed extraterrestrial

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This week we're pondering the universe, stars and our favorite comic extraterrestrials https://t.co/wOdI7UuIjp

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The lightbeings from the Vega system in the constellation of Lyra are the original creators who were on earth billions of years ago.

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Tau is a Zeta Grey who escaped the clutches of the Dracos and was captured by the Anunnaki. More about it in SKY GODZ Season 1...

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Beings from the Cygnus constellation are highly telepathic and ethereal. Their density level is so far beyond that they rarely interact with humans.

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Antares is the largest star in the Scorpio constellation and many of its planets are inhabited by humanoid beings like this one.

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Extraterrestrials blending in /
Are we closer to The final form?↘

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One of the key members of the oppressive Orion Empire is Oris, an elder grey from the Rigel system in Orion. Wise but mean-spirited to the core.

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An Art A Day 'XYKLON' 
Studies made by Armitech Industries concluded these 'beings' found at the crash site were extraterrestrial bio-droids; clones reproduced by infusing their own DNA unto weapon machinery using highly advanced alien technology. 
- vid at my YT channel

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Artifacts representing possible astronauts can be found quite often in human antiquity. Real or just a misinterpretation?

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Enlil aligns himself with Samana and together they bring havoc to the Anunnaki legacy on earth in season 1 of SKY GODZ.

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The Sirians come in many shapes and forms but their connection to the ancient egyptians is undisputed

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Some form of dualism is still present in the Lyran lightbeings. The prism of Lyra caused many races to be split along ideological lines and to erupt into horrendous wars.

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Commander Ashtar of the Galactic Federation and his Arcturian lightships are the most feared force in the universe.

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quick question;; how do i get this attractive extraterrestrial warrior to become my sugar mommy?

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