Max Cole Art
Title: "#Opal
Size: 9"x12" oil on wood panel. Unframed

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Keldon Warcaller from MTG Dominaria. Oil on panel. 18x24.

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This panel. Oh man this panel. Sometimes one panel really just sums up a whole scene.

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"Rainbow Target" oils on cradled wood panel. 2in. depth. 12x12in.

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Last panel.

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What I have so far for this Chateau Guillard scene. Utilized some game graphics to cut corners. There will likely be one more panel. (Sorry about the double post. Corrected a couple of things!)

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Almost 1.5 years later, and I finally colored this panel. Graphic novels are hard work! 🤓

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Nakiri Soe from Food Wars in Watercolor! I can SEE 😳😳😳 how yummy the food is.

Disclaimer: This is a redraw of a manga panel. So this is not an original illustration. 😄😄😄

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Enjoy the Beauty!

Cherish the memory with a Painting
Title: "Sapphire Dream"
Size: 24"x36" oil on wood panel. Unframed

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Max Cole Art
Title: "#Sapphire
Size: 24"x36" oil on wood panel. Unframed

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Tsubasa Oichi X Shiomi Aki.
personajes de hace mucho tiempo.
he aquí un pequeño panel.
Un encuentro de los varios que han tenido estos personajes en la secundaria.

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MtG: Audacious Archaeologist. Oil on 30x40cm panel. AD Mark Winters

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16x20" oil on wood panel. 2010/2018

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Portrait of Carl Harris. Oil on canvas panel.

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New painting, inspired by my hike with friends up

I really wanted to capture the way that the sun was rising behind the mountain as we began our hike.

(12"x16", oil on wood panel.)

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One panel of my comic. ONE PANEL. (@)

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Here’s my newest painting! “Baby Mine”, 12”x18”, oil on panel.

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Work-in-progress - 2/3 - oil on panel. Blending layers & covering the base coat of black gesso.

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