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ta mais vcs lembra o dia em q o tamanco da tsuna quebrou o susanoo do madara

87 459

HGDHBDHDBDDHDBD CIAN THIS IS ADORABLE IM IN LOVE JDHSNSH 💖💕💞💖💓💕💖💕💓💕 My heart LEAPED when Madara called Kaoru his bf I cannot stop thinking abt them

0 1

ну наконец-то и я свою лепту внесу
не осуждайте женщину за кринж
Предлагаю в реплаях придумать им крутые имена типа "Вишнёвая жопка" и тд

14 102

after looking at the double face poster for too long i realized that. he has sideburns.... madara has sideburns.... why is that so cute

1 7

Я присоединяюсь к
Бога нашего истинного не забываем 🔥

47 258

Madara put his hand on Yuzuru's shoulder before smiling brightly up at the monitor.

"Boy, what a nice ending for you two! All wrapped up with a little bow! Just let us out and get back to your lives!

What about our memories of dying here, huh? What about our missing years?"

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Yuzuru's eyes stayed locked on Madara's.

"I wonder...was that the right choice for you to make?"

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As Yuzuru hesitantly extended his hand, Madara suddenly pulled him in, making Yuzuru stumble.

Madara caught him, their faces inches from each other, and spoke in a tone low enough that no one else would hear.

"You've figured it out, right?"

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"Then, Arashi-san, Yuzuru-san, over here~"

Madara held out his hands.

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Чувствую душевное спокойствие от Хашимад, так ещё и с кудрявым Мадарой 🌸

23 165

I now realized I gave Madara gloves earlier and I will have to redo this panel so a moment of silence for those pretty hands T___T

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"I did think it was strange that there were no new people in our room..."

When Kanata spoke, some of the words echoed and scratched from the inside of Madara's head.

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