画質 高画質


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🚃Art train📷自分の描いた「お気に入りの絵を引用RT」で繋いでいくバトン企画です!
madaraさんバトンありがとうございます!ペアつながりで自創作から2人を選んでみました👻 https://t.co/dnuTdKXyLl

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魍魎戦記MADARA よりキリン。自分の画風に影響を与えた作品そのに。中学生の頃に付き合ってた人の影響で読み始めて沼ったもの。当時は赤が連載中で、壮大な世界観と魅力的なキャラに引き込まれて、漫画、OVA、PC-98 ゲーム、あと、転生編のラジオドラマを追いかけてました :-)

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Okabamadara (8/8)
I hope this was enjoyable to read. It ended up being bigger than I thought, so I took the opportunity to experiment with different kinds of backgrounds. The things I learned here will hopefully make the next story better.

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More random Okabamadara WIP panels, just an update for people who expected it on the 1st of January. This comic's become my biggest one yet so its taking longer than expected to finish... My new target is this Saturday, at which point I'll finally be ready to open commissions.

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Another WIP of Okabamadara, this is the very first page without shading. I want to finish it in the first week of January.

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Sort of a cover page for Okabamadara. Its a scene near the start but will be her true intro. I'll try to have the comic complete by January.

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Some drawings I like from the comic I'm working on, Okabamadara. Her real name is Yae, and I'm still trying to figure out how to show the lines on her mask in a nice way.

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I'm hard at work on Okabamadara, heres a wip of one of the first pages. There are no backgrounds yet but I'm going to try creating detailed backgrounds from 3d environments, just to see what it'll be like. That's how the pros do it, right?

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Refs for a comic I'm working on to stay consistent. Lotta people liked sushi story better so I have to spend more time writing it, since romantic stories are new to me and I want to use what I learn here to make that one better. Both will be done, and Okabamadara is this month's.

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