obg pela oportunidade!! Eu faço uns desenhos aí e às vezes fotografia virtual em jogos

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Oi gente rsrs apoiem seus artistas locais

72 474

Espero que a tag esteja aceitando Designers 😔💘

74 264

Olaaa eu sou a Iasmin, tenho 15 anos e desenho um pouco 🥰🥰

102 670

prazer, eu sou a Mart e eu gosto de desenhar meninas bonitas e gatos, tenho 16 anos e pretendo cursar jogos digitais

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I did a thing! Trying to teach myself how to do more painterly style rather than cell shaded :D I think things are going pretty well :D

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Weekend playful portrait!
Hope you like it and have a great weekend!

Thanks a lot for your support!! 😁

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I’m doing at the moment, I never actually picture how any of my pieces will turn out at the end I just go with it and see what happens🤷🏽‍♀️ cannot wait to see how this turns out👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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A friend and I did a fun thing where we took this color palette and chose one for each other.
Go check out his stuff!! ❤❤❤❤

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