is a game about taking scenic walks, drinking tea, and making art. it's been too cold for walks, but we can get 2 out of 3 for the saturday stream :3

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Tuesday's chill will be live soon! ☕️❤️ Will be drawing comic pages :3

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Working on enviro sketches for a commission and some other things for a couple hours! No stream again later because I need to get back to scanning all my art and tossin' it. 8)

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Saturday's chill is now live! Come and hang out with me :3 Working on another comic strip ❤️

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got a little lemon head for ya guys~
hop on the twitch stream if you want some cool fan art~

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Gizmo's Art Stream: Made In Abyss WIP The experiments with the back grounds I think came out pretty well...still a bit mor eto do with everything but I think it looks nice. Twitch: gizmo_N_bunny

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Had a nice break, but it's back to streaming and arting, and listening to podcasts. 8)

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Tuesday's chill will start soon! Come and join the sillyness ☕️

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We had a great stream tonight! Got a ton done! Thank you so much to and for the raids. We passed the love into afterward!

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Stream in about 2min~~~ finishing up some commissions and annoucing my raffle winners!

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Thursday's chill is now live! Gonna work on a new comic strip ☕️❤️😁

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