画質 高画質

Artist Feature: ! He draws a variety of gorgeous fanart, and his OCs Iris and Maya (4th pic) 😃

You can get HD+NSFW versions of his work on his Patreon and Gumroad!


5 31

maya from ongezellig (the dutch tomoko) comm

358 2853

木内達朗さん()の展示「FAST TRAVEL」を観にギャラリーMAYAへ。緩急自在の筆致が素敵でした。1月31日(水)まで。

6 80

Colored that Maya doodle from a few days back

30 213


3 26

Smug Maya Magma doodle

44 195

First art of 2024 taken by my original character, Maya!
I don't draw her enough lol

38 205

Banana could probably fight like this and still dogpile everyone and still win, then she'd flip her skirt in front of Maya and show her how she's at her mercy and fruit the loop all over again while giraffe sighs in the distance

30 140

WIP of my original character, Maya that I neglect by not drawing enough of 🫣

8 99

Art Feature: Iris & Maya - Halloween, by !

Prints (4x5" for $10, 8x10" for $15, 12x15" for $20): https://t.co/Q8ZjkTOtwL
Digital highres image ($7, part of a bundle with NSFW content): https://t.co/LzOoUCa3Rt

6 72


1 5

Max(昔)、Blender(少し)、MayaとVRoid Studioが現在のメインユーズです

28 225

[ ace attorney / 逆転裁判 ] mayoi “maya” fey

115 294


2 8

I started using Cinema 4D 5 years ago ( Top )
and switched to MAYA 3 years ago ( Down )
Plan to learn Blender in the future.

8 45