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60 442

Birthday Hanamaru UR [Promo] (Score Up)

Skill: every 22 combo, 22..36% chance to add 570..990pts to your score.

17 74

- Tier

☆ SR Planetarium Nozomi (PS)
Skill: every 23 notes, 37..58% chance to take on another μ's 3rd year card's attribute pts for 3..6.5 seconds.

☆ SR Easter Rin (PL)
Skill: every 27 notes, 39..60% chance to turn all Goods and Greats to Perfects for the next 3.5..7 seconds.

4 18

some reploid cat adopts- (which are open if you wanna grab one here:
think i may just stick to DA when it comes to adoptables since i still can't get any real money for my art yet oops- they are only 10 pts each on DA though so they're still pretty cheap

0 0


1 8

キスメ達はみんなで美味しくチョコを食べました!記録:10196pts! Flash_URL■

5 15

ギル=メキナ帝国の女傑クリサリス Ver.β
スコア:737 pts
タイム:61 s コンボ:65 pts ダメージ:31 %


0 1

eu fiz esse desenho aqui no pts e achei que ficou bonitinho, então taê (°-°

0 1

Tea Party Rin SR (Score Up)

Skill: every 29 notes, 30..58% chance to add 520..835pts to your score.

7 14

Birthday Kanan UR [Promo] (Score Up)

Skill: every 24 notes, 17..38% chance to add 710..955pts to your score.

41 139


0 0

【セールの告知】現在amazonKindleで「銀のニーナ」を1~13巻をまとめ買いで、50%( 3,278pts )のポイントがつきます。amazonKindleで読む派の方で、この漫画気になってたんだ~!という方はこの機会に是非。

24 22


6 14

J'ai découvert la touche "luminance to transparency" sur pts.
Jpeux faire des dessins en 20 min mtn c'est trop cool.
Je teste !

2 7


0 3

[Aqours movie exchange ticket] Yoshiko SSR [Promo] (Score Up)

Skill: every 30 notes, 31..52% chance to add 505..925pts to your score.

11 19

Birthday Hanayo UR [Promo] (Score Up)

Skill: every 25 combo, 25..46% chance to add 565..880pts to your score.

20 47