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Nikolai Suetin — Russian Soviet artist, master of design, graphics and painting, representative of the avant-garde in its Suprematist version, reformer of Russian porcelain.

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Nikolai Suetin — Russian Soviet artist, master of design, graphics and painting, representative of the avant-garde in its Suprematist version, reformer of Russian porcelain.

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Nikolai Suetin — Russian Soviet artist, master of design, graphics and painting, representative of the avant-garde in its Suprematist version, reformer of Russian porcelain.

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ok i fuckign love Kedamono from popee the preformer that i had to fduckign draw him (def gonna do more of him ilove him)

17 41

once stuck in my cocoon, it seems as if I've reformed as a newer, older, and maybe even wiser, version of myself. I can only hope so

66 543

So my friend drew a reformed cat spinel and I couldn't help myself haha
I ended up making a reseted cat spinel vur
It's a munchkin scottish fold kitten heh

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Thank you for supporting us & 🙏🏻
Such tyranny governed by should be terminated & must be reformed ASAP

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Patreon reward for being rubberized and reformatted into a shiny latex model~

39 225

Viens no gada reformatoriem - . Reforma paredz, ka līdzšinējo 119 pašvaldību vietā paliks tikai 39 (5 republikas pilsētas un 34 novadi). Skeptiķi atzīmē, ka Latvijas novadu karte pēc Pūces reformas būšot aizdomīgi līdzīga 26 rajonu modelim, kas bija spēkā padomju laikā.

5 50

As a sniper, you want to be completely focused, and not mess up a crucial headshot! Since it's the winter, temperatures are lower, the slightest tremble might throw off your aim! Don't settle for that, settle for this! This hat combo will insure you are snipe at peak preformance!

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My references for this character died when I reformatted my laptop, so all I have is this one drawing of him that I saved on a hard drive. Hope it's enough.

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Me: *talks about interest in history*
Dad: *is interested*
Me: *starts talking about the English Reformation and how the Catholics killed thousands of Protestants*

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Skippy is just like ... they're both part of the group the of MANNING MILLIONAIRES .. started as reformers and became rich as life-long CON politicians selling the to CON suckers! 😋

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St. Peter Canisius, reformer, missionary, and Doctor of the Church, pray for us!

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Spark Bits (DBZ Manga)- I just love the Cell Saga designs and I’ve been refining my style to not really copy it but reform it into something my own

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My day, so far: "Let's keep on writing Monty's Bad End side story!" *checks art assets and music: every piece is in a different size and format. "Oh, shit, there goes my day!"

Reformating, resizing, renaming, coding assets. My least favorite part of dev work.

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