Whomp, whomp, whomp.... A day late and a dollar short!
Who cares! Clearly, doesn't; the leadership don't care. and his campaign team of are a bunch of LOSERS! 😋

0 0

Whomp, whomp, whomp...!
Oh Gawd, not another whining sore LOSERS! 😋

1 0

Hahahaha.... will leave his and his kids' credit card bill to the and Canadian Taxpayers as Andy has been doing for the past who knows how many years! 😋


6 27

Let me guess, 's best example of CON implementation of point 1 is 's $2Billon Tax Rebate/Cut? 😋


0 2

Clearly, Cdns had no faith in 's so called 3 point econ plan in the recent ; re. Point 1 is ; pt 2 is ; & pt 3 being ! Even the cartoonist had fun with Andy's NO plan! 😋


0 6

Is this how is working off the $900K Slush Fund he took from donations and Canadian Taxpayers to pay the tuition to some private religious school for his children? Tweeting like attacks? Pretty LAME! 😋

3 1

Versus 's boss boot licking and former PMO staffers colluding with to force China's on Canada! 😋


11 28

I'm getting old and my memory isn't what it use to be. )-: Didn't Canada just have a "non-confidence vote" and got politically shivved? 😋


2 4

I too don't trust would put aside his religious views! 😋

2 2

The hasn't tweeted a single message attacking PM in the past couple weeks? It's only doing the like attack tweets! Gawd, is such a poor loser! What a clown! 😋


0 3

Who is to whine about falling further behind when the had a SLUSH FUND for "Andy to Get Ahead"! 😋


3 13

How can and them CONs unite Canada when they can't even keep the Party united! The is full of lying and cheatin political opportunists and backstabbers! 😋


0 5

is part of the DNA. Just consider the post analysis from 's campaign manager on why the CONs lost the election! Re. increased voter turnout swung the election away from the CONs! 😋

0 2

is politically a CLOWN; all dressed up to represent the Social Conservatives! 😋

0 0

His name is KARMA!
And the MAN came calling to collect the outstanding balance from ! 😋


0 0

Aunty, has already figured out how to pay for his kiddies' tuition to them private school of the so hated by his CON donors! 😋


0 1

Skippy is just like ... they're both part of the group the of MANNING MILLIONAIRES .. started as reformers and became rich as life-long CON politicians selling the to CON suckers! 😋

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