画質 高画質

Unfortunately, I am a terrible drawer and I don't want to draw a bad pic that would be seen as injustice to these two, so I just re-posted this fanart I found through Google images to celebrate this day

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My sad artwork for all victims of hungry around this small and injustice World...

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81 Sword Art Online: Yo, honestamente, quería que me gustara. Defender este anime de los haters, reivindicar las críticas injustas. Pero lo odié. Me pareció aburrido la mayor parte del tiempo, y el resto muy infantil hasta para ser para adolescentes. Creo que tuvo mucha suerte.

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Tyler, meu filho injustiçado muito lindo

🔁+💜= você ganha essa frôzinha🌺

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MK9 - Smoke
Injustice 1 - Flash
MKX - Kitana
Injustice 2 - Batman
MK11 - Sonya Blade https://t.co/YPnEQi9goa

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everyone: "the character stances in MKX/Injustice 2 look terrible"
Martial Champion:

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Tbh it worked with Injustice 2?

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I was informed of a severe lack of Santa Fatgum and I am here to rectify this great injustice.

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Two Batmen that are always all wounded.
Injustice Batman and Arkham Knight Batman.

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Je comprends pas pourquoi vous détester fairy tail moi j'aime ce manga et je n'ai pas honte de le dire juste par que le manga s'appelle queue de fée vous le critiquer ces injustices j'ai des amis qui ont changé d'avis sur le manga après l avoir vue alors svp changer d'avis

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I missed today but I cant believe you didnt mention the Injustice comics! Major and minor beats from those comics play into the narrative of INJ2!

Also they're damn good comics.
Love you guys! Keep up the great work!

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“There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, & the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, & somewhere else the tea's getting cold…”

30 years today since this speech!

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4° dia - amigo favorito de Cl/UL

Na realidade eu ia fazer o Alexy de novo, porém achei que seria injusto com os outros personagens, então aqui está a Rosalya!
(Agora os desenhos estão em dia novamente =D)

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Un petit dessin d'Ahed Tamimi, une jeune résistante palestinienne. Paix à tous ceux qui luttent contre l'injustice et l'oppression.

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Finished up Injustice 2 last night and it's clear remembered who the powerhouse of Young Justice was.

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Lose a loved one and fall, lose a second beloved and save

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スーパーマン体制確立前の回想シーンなのに前作となるinjusticeのスーツ無視してて草 スーパーマンは個人的に2のアーマースーツより1のデザインが好き。

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então, essa aqui é a nova conta do perfil no qual a porra do twitter resolveu apagar
Por favor, me ajuda a passar isso, oque aconteceu foi muito injusto..
Perdi tudo que conquistei :(

Aqui exemplos da minha arte
Eu agradeço qualquer apoio

Eh isto vlw 👍

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Doctor Krapula - Para todos todo
Colombia despertó! A todos nos duele lo de Dylan, lo de nuestros líderes, con los niños, el país, UNIDOS, JAMAS SEREMOS VENCIDOS! El rojo de la bandera crece, no mas sangre, no más injusticia!!!

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