The Boays have been gathered
Not fer you or me-
They're going oan a journey.

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I've been slacking lately so today's a two-fer. Of course I still had to draw Ima Goodlady

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Hi, first time joining, I'm Fer, from Argentina, freelance illustrator/concept artist who likes to paint fantasy things with a lot of colors!
My portfolio:

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Sure , this is my girl Fer. Practice all you want with her.

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The whole thing doesn't TECHNICALLY apply to me (I know, vague unless you know me), but I had a two-fer since I can't remember which came first. It was either Hades from Disney's Hercules or Taarna from Heavy Metal. I should probably sculpt Taarna at some point.

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I just realized I never specified which character...

Looks like y'all getting a two-fer

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27. Aitana Bonmatí
Va passar de jugar amb els nens de Sant Pere de Ribes a fer-ho a la cantera del Barça, i finalment ha arribat a ser el màxim exponent de l'escola de formació del club.
analitza el seu fantàstic futbol aquí:

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2nd chapter of this SBS from our collaboration with MPM and FeR Miniatures. Work on the metal helmet.
Find it in our Facebook >>
Sculpted by Ramón Martínez and painted by Fernando Ruiz
Painted exclusively with .

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We have post in our Facebook the first episode of five of this painting guide. With it, you will learn all the different techniques used in this bust.
This is is possible thanks to our collaboration with MPM and Fer Miniatures.

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Avui és el Com que els hi tenen un paper molt important, a la família, volem recordar l'homenatge que els va fer al 1326.

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Hoy cumple años uno de nuestros autores... Fer Jimenez ¡Felicidades!

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New shading practice with a brush fer the model sheet page.

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El ens proposa un taller familiar pel 1r cap de setmana de Vine a fer el teu propi vitrall en forma de flor.


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🔥 Hot NEWS 🔥
We unveil our last collaboration with Mianiture Painting Masterclass and Fer Mniatures: you will get FREE ACCESS to the amazing painting tutorials from Fernando Ruiz and Jaume Ortiz.
📺 Available in our Facebook and Youtube channel

4 23

Aquí teniu una altre de les il•lustracions que he fet per al tercer conte de la 😃😃😃😃
Ja heu participat en el concurs? A què espereu!? Per esbrinar com fer-ho, seguiu llegint i responeu a
Molta sort!!!

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Hi guys! I'm here with another bad joke fer ya 👍

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Dia Mundial de la Llibertat de Premsa. Uns militars enfadats per un dibuix que se'n fotia dels seus "èxits", varen assaltar la redacció de la revista "¡Cu-Cut!" i van fer una foguera amb mobles i revistes inutilitzant la impremta on s'imprimia (1905).

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Did a quick little thing fer my good boy Homer.

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