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An old multi-instrumentalist bird named Jazzkichi-kun is the mascot for Japan’s Jazz Promotion Associaton.

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So my little story about Crowley's sentimentalist <3
Don't ask me how he did those pictures in the past... A miracle I would say 😂😈✨🐍🔥👀

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So after a long period of drawing, I have a persona/ mascot to create a representation of myself in my art universe. It first began with a bear and now it became a skeleton gremlin. It's interesting/ saddens how much my creative mentality has now become.

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You don't need to use power to mentalize our newest episode! Watch NOW ⚡

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Sem acreditar que amanhã é segunda? Faça como o e mentalize que amanhã é sexta! Eu acredito em você ✨

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5 of Stars: The Elementalist

I couldn't resist doing a Legend of Korra version of this one just for funsies. I'm also very happy with how the elements turned out in the Korra version.

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Tis me, Davwyn the pet miniature western dragon. Friendly and gentle with an animal like mentality. Sometimes a plushie for fun

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17. Had they ever been? Archaeological finds show a well-populated landscape throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. The ‘loneliness of the wide wilderness’ seems after all to have described an internal, religious mentality rather than the actual landscape.

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Pokémon Ave Triple
Tipo Normal/Volador
Habilidad Elementalista (STAB en Fuego, Elect. y Hielo)
Altura 2,0 m
Peso 88,4 kg

"Gracias a la energía de la megaevolución, cada cabeza de Dodrio libera su poder escondido, siendo estos el fuego, la electricidad y el hielo."

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5to lugar en Chillán, aun me falta controlar la mentalidad para poder jugar mas concentrado, ojala pueda corregir mis errores antes del NGU para poder sacar un buen podio 👀

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next week is finally my favourite mentalist's grand entrance ✨

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Showcasing by :
Caption: "I don’t want flowers on by tombstone, cause I know you’ll take them from the forest 🌳“
— Chico Mendes (80's Brazilian environmentalist, slain) 🔥#AmazonFires 🙏

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Ya terminé con Wolfenstein The Old Blood y se viene un nuevo juego que ustedes pidieron

¿pueden adivinar qué juego protagonizará los livestreams de los domingos?
Ya casi está todo listo, sólo me queda mentalizarme para el gran y largo viaje que tendré por delante...

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No stream today, need some time to get my head on straight. I wanna be in the right mentality to stream properly and today I am just not. Will hopefully kick this by tomorrow. Thanks for understanding

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If you're interested and want to commission me, you can send me a message ♥

I want to buy Elementalist Lux's skin and the new Ahri one with chromas, so I need to start saving up

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So torn about Livewire from Superman TAS, she has such a fun design & I love her voice but her supervillain motivation is really dumb & the equivalent of the "superman sux lol u mad" mentality that some DC haters have.

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I made a quick paint over of elementalist just because I felt like doing it, I’m not having much time for the project right now because of work so...let’s add some madness to this piece, why not.

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