Concept done, grabbing some sleep then time to crack open and dust off my coding skills

9 55

Completely remaking a jam game we made 2 years ago into a full one

7 7

Not exactly a pretty thing, but i found out how to do silhouetting efficiently!

12 19

We're blowing the cobwebs off Spooks n' Spikes and giving Liku a new pad!

7 22

また、今回のアップデートでは GameMaker: Studio のエクスポータの更新も行っています。

0 0

Snazzy door transitions, with animations to boot.

5 6

Increased the saturation. Which one do you prefer?

9 3

Now with freckles! I wanted to add something to give the character more texture.

4 1

Starting my next game! This character will be rigged up with when done!

3 2